Most Frequently Asked Question and Answers (FAQs)

A: Arizona is home to a wide variety of pests due to its desert climate. Some of the most common pests include scorpions, cockroaches, ants, spiders, termites, rodents, and pigeons.

A: It’s typically recommended to have your home inspected for pests once a year. However, if you have a known issue with certain pests, more frequent inspections may be necessary.

A: Good sanitation and home maintenance are key to preventing pests. This includes regular cleaning, sealing any cracks or holes in your home’s structure, and keeping your yard clean and trimmed.

A: Most modern pest control methods are safe for both pets and children when applied properly. However, it’s always best to discuss any potential risks with your pest control provider.

A: The length of time it takes for pest control methods to work can vary depending on the type of pest and the method used. In general, you should start to see a reduction in pest activity within a week or two.

A: Common signs of a pest problem include seeing the pests themselves, finding droppings or other signs of their activity, damage to your home or belongings, and in some cases, hearing noises in the walls or attic.

A: While some minor pest issues can be handled with DIY methods, it’s usually best to hire a professional for larger infestations. Professionals have access to more effective methods and can ensure that the pest problem is completely eliminated.

A: Many pest control companies now use methods that are designed to be as eco-friendly as possible. However, some methods can still have environmental impacts. If this is a concern for you, discuss it with your pest control provider. They may be able to suggest more environmentally friendly options

A: If you see a scorpion in your home, it’s important to act quickly. While most scorpions in Arizona are not deadly, they can still deliver a painful sting. Contact a professional pest control company to safely remove the scorpion and inspect your home for any others.

A: Keeping your home clean and free of food waste can help deter rodents. It’s also important to seal any potential entry points, such as cracks or holes in your home’s structure. If you already have a rodent problem, a professional pest control company can help to eliminate the rodents and prevent future infestations.

A: If you suspect a termite infestation, it’s crucial to contact a professional pest control service immediately. Termites can cause significant structural damage to your home if not treated promptly.

A: Yes, maintaining your yard can help deter pests. This can include trimming vegetation away from your home, removing standing water, and regularly cleaning outdoor eating and seating areas.

A: Signs of a bed bug infestation can include itchy bites on your body, small blood stains on your sheets, and dark or rusty spots of bed bug excrement on sheets, mattresses, and walls.

A: Before a pest control visit, clear any clutter, vacuum floors, and make sure all food is stored properly. You may also need to arrange for pets to be out of the way.

A: After a pest control visit, avoid cleaning treated areas for a specified period of time, as it may interfere with the treatment. Monitor the area for continued signs of pest activity and report any issues to your pest control provider.

A: Yes, many pest control services offer bird control measures. Pigeons can create health hazards and damage property, so professional removal may be necessary.

A: It depends on the extent of the infestation and the treatment method being used. While it is often unnecessary to leave your home during treatment, some cases may require you to vacate for a few hours.

A: The cost of pest control can vary widely depending on the type of pest, the severity of the infestation, and the size of your property. It’s best to get a quote from a local pest control service to understand the potential cost.

A: Yes, there are several natural pest control methods that can be effective. These include using certain plants that deter pests, introducing natural predators into your yard, and using DIY traps or deterrents. However, for serious infestations, professional help is usually recommended.

A: While many pests in Arizona are simply a nuisance, some can pose risks to human health or property. Scorpions, certain spiders, and rodents can all potentially be dangerous. If you encounter these pests, it’s best to contact a professional.