Exciting News From DeSoto Exterminating!
Desoto Exterminating

Dear Valued Customers,

We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones in good health and high spirits. As owners of DeSoto Exterminating, Vance and I have had the privilege of serving you and being a part of this wonderful community for many years. It is with mixed emotions that we announce a significant change in the management of our beloved company.

After careful consideration and in alignment with our retirement plans, we have decided to pass the reins of DeSoto Exterminating to Crandell Pest Control, a company owned and operated by Preston Crandell. This decision was not made lightly. Our long-standing friendship and professional relationship with Preston’s father, Dave Crandell, spans over 40 years, and we have witnessed firsthand the honesty, hard work, and dependability that define their family and business practices.

Here’s what this transition means for you:

Continued Quality Service: We have full confidence in Preston and the Crandell Pest Control team to continue providing the high-quality service you have always enjoyed, without any disruption or compromise.

Same Pricing: Your service agreement will remain unchanged, with the same pricing structure you currently have. This ensures you continue to receive excellent value for the trusted pest control solutions you need.

Expanded Services: In addition to the comprehensive pest control services you’ve come to rely on, Crandell Pest Control brings additional offerings to the table, including specialized Weed Control and Termite Protection Treatments, enhancing the care and protection of your property.

Local Expert Technicians: Crandell Pest Control boasts a team of expert technicians who are part of our local community.

Brandon Beck, residing in Snowflake with his wife and two children, brings 9 years of experience in pest control.

Seth Dodge, living in Show Low with his wife and nine children, has an impressive 22-year tenure as a pest control technician.

Their local presence and extensive experience ensure that you are in capable and familiar hands.

We understand that change can be unsettling, but please rest assured that this transition has been meticulously planned to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for you. Preston and his team share our commitment to excellence, customer care, and community values.

We believe Crandell Pest Control is not just a worthy successor but a company that will elevate the pest control services available to you.

We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your trust, support, and loyalty throughout the years. It has been an honor to serve you, and we are confident that Preston and the Crandell Pest Control team will continue to uphold these values and exceed your expectations.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please feel free to reach out to Preston and his team. They are eager to meet you and demonstrate their commitment to your satisfaction.

Thank you once again for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We look forward to seeing the continued success of the pest control services under the capable hands of Crandell Pest Control.

With warmest regards,

Susan and Vance
Owners, Desoto Exterminating

Crandell Pest Control: 928-910-7378

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Crandell Pest Control has since grown into the trusted service it is today, with a team of technicians and a fleet of trucks offering a number of services.